Friday 29 March 2013

Happy centenary today, R. S. Thomas!

Check here for events commemorating R. S. Thomas centenary year and here for review of his verse drama 'The Minister' broadcast by BBC Radio 4 on Good Friday

Good Friday by R. S. Thomas

It was quiet. What had the sentry
to cry, but that it was the ninth hour
and all was not well? The darkness
began to lift, but it was not the mind 

was illumined. The carpenter
had done his work well to sustain
the carpenter’s burden; the Cross an example
of the power of art to transcend timber.

Butterfly Movement by R. S. Thomas 
Butterfly movement 
as though a rainbow
had taken wing, falling
with the softness of light

on our horizon, a reminder
of Gods’ promise to lay

aside wrath. And what,
this moment at gaze 

in the afternoon sun,
we ask, was the nature
of our sin that it deserved
so beautifully to be forgiven?

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